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Saturday, July 31, 2010
TeacherTube Videos - We Didn't Start the Fire
This video would be great for history teachers. I loved watching it and putting pictures with the lyrics. It made more sense.
Classroom Rules
I loved this!-Watched this video. Great for the first day, if you have some extra time.
Star Lab

I was thinking what I would post on tonight and thought about a great activity I was in charge of at my last school in California. I called the night Star Lab and I invited the students at the school to bring their families in the evening to learn about space. Here are the stations that took place:
1-Star Lab-it was a dome that inflated. (Picture above) There was a projector in the middle that projected a simulated night sky onto the ceiling. People crawled through a tunnel and I told them about the different constellations and some Greek mythology that went with them. This took about 20 minutes per group. I could only get about 20 people into the dome at one time so I sent home sign ups the week before. This was the favorite station of the night. Here is the website:

2-I had the computer lab set up on the NASA website for students and parents to explore. I had a teacher in the lab to help with questions or technical difficulties. H ere is the website:
3-The local astronomy club came and set up their telescopes for the students to look through. Saturn was visible and the students loved this.
4-I had books for the families to look through while they waited for the other stations.
5-I had toliet paper rolls and paper out and the students punched out constellation patterns into the paper. They were able to look through the paper and see a small pattern.
6-Students figured out distances onto a paper-cash register tape (how big the solar system is in relative terms).
7-Students made paper space ships (NASA had this activity all prepared). The students really liked this.
I found a website that is offering to give teachers up to 5 telescopes free. You only have to pay the shipping. It seems like a great buy. I am posting the website for you to look at
This was one of my favorite things I have done while being a teacher. I would love to do it for the school in Utah but they don't have a Star Lab-they are very pricey.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Establishing Routines
Students need to know what is expected of them in your classroom. To ensure that you have smooth transitions throughout the day, think carefully about the routines for which you must plan. Clarify them in your mind. It may be helpful to make a list of transitional times throughout the day (see the list below to help you get started!). Other teachers or your mentor can serve as resources by sharing their own classroom procedures and routines.
Before establishing specific procedures or routines, it is necessary to have a discussion with students about their importance. During this discussion, you should be able to talk about the rationale behind various routines. When possible, invite students to create procedures with you. This process can nurture a sense of ownership and community in your classroom.
In establishing procedures or routines, it is important to:
- Ensure that students understand the reason for the routine.
- Clarify the procedure through modeling.
- Allow students opportunities to practice the routine through rehearsal.
- Try not to overwhelm students by teaching too many routines at once. The process of establishing routines and procedures may take several days.
- Remember that it will probably be necessary to revisit this process as you see the need.
The following list may help you get started in thinking about times during the day for which you may want to establish procedures and routines:
- Entering and exiting the classroom
- Labeling papers
- Beginning the day
- Collection and distribution of papers
- Signaling for quiet and attention
- Appropriate times for moving around the room
- Emergency drills and procedures
- Going to the restroom
- Moving throughout the school
- Late arrival
- Grading and homework policies (including make-up work)
- Asking questions
- Finishing an assignment early
- Dismissal
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Fun Rainy Day Activities for the Classroom
Palindrome Challenge
Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same backward and forward. Some palindromes are both complicated and silly (for instance, "Able was I ere I saw Elba," or "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!"). There are also plenty of simple words young children can spell that are palindromes.
Have your kids think of as many palindromic words as possible. Some they are likely to know are "mom," "pop," "dad," "tot," "toot," and "noon." Your children can also include names, like Anna, Hannah, and Bob.
As your kids think of palindromes, they can incorporate them into a story (weaving them together with non-palindromes so that the plot makes sense). Try this tale, which begins with two classic palindromes, for starters: "Madam, I'm Adam. Was it a cat I saw? Mom called at noon. She wanted to find dad so they could pop over to the tot lot and toot their horn."
Beanbag Race
- Tape or string
- One beanbag per player
- Mark two lines ten feet apart on the floor with tape or string.
- Give each player a beanbag and have the players stand at the starting line.
- Announce, "Ready, set, go!" and have the players race toward the finish line in one of the following ways:
- Crawling, while balancing beanbags on their backs
- Running, while squeezing beanbags between their knees
- A player is disqualified if his beanbag falls before he reaches the finish line.
- A child playing alone can race against the clock and try to cross the finish line within a designated time. He'll have fun trying to better his time with each try.
Doll House
Milk Jar Doll House
Need: Plastic milk jar (jug), craft knife, construction paper, paint.Cut out 3 1/2 inch square door in one of the containers sides (Teacher). Cut out windows if desired.
Glue construction paper roof shingles around the top of the jug. For a chimney, use black marker to draw rows of bricks on a strip of red construction paper. Wrap paper or paint around the door opening. Tuff a puff of cotton "smoke" into the sprout.
Add paper window boxes with cut out flowers from the construction paper. Color or add material to cover floor. Then let the children use their imaginations with dolls, furniture, magazine cut outs and much more.
This is a good rainy day activity. Have fun.
Contributed By: Ardina
Note: If you covered the milk jug in brown construction paper and made the top of the door curved it would look like a hobbit house.
A Surprise Inside
Fill one lunch bag for every child with various items from your art cupboard. This is a good way to use up those odds and ends. Here are some examples of things to include in your surprise bag: googly eyes scraps of material gummed paper stickers pipe cleaner cotton balls
Just check out your cupboards and see what you got. Provide the children with glue, scissors and crayons, you'll be amazed at what they can make.Sticker Fun
Need: flavored gelatin, water, magazines.1 teaspoon flavored gelatin
2 teaspoons boiling waterWith this solution, you can turn magazine pictures, wrapping paper, or comic book cutouts into customized stickers.
Place gelatin and boiling water in a small bowl. Stir until the gelatin is dissolved. Let the mixture cool. About one minute. Brush a thin coat of warm sticker solution on the back of each picture cut out. Use a small brush. When dry you can lick the stickers and stick them on paper or glass. Works just like a real stamp!
Rolled Paper Beads
Need: Decorative paper or colored newspaper comics, pencil, ruler, scissors, glue, yarn.For each bead cut a strip of paper measuring 1/2 x 12in(4x30cm). The paper needs to be wider at one end. Cut the paper strips into long skinny triangle shapes. With one end measuring 1/4 in (1cm) and the other end measuring 11/2 in (4cm).
Take a pencil. Wrap the wider end of a paper strip around it. Dab a little glue on the end of the strip and carefully roll the paper around the pencil to make a tubular bead. Glue the narrow end of the strip around the bead. Allow to dry, and slip it off the pencil. After gluing you may want to carefully slip the paper bead off the pencil to dry. Children use lots of glue and the bead could get glued to the pencil.
Repeat the process with the remaining strips to form more beads and when you have enough, string them onto a length of yarn to make a bracelet or a necklace.
Splatter Platter
Need: Food coloring or paint, paper plate or construction paper, rainy day.Put drops of paint or food coloring on paper (don't mix). Put outside and let the rain do the rest. It might not take very long so watch it carefully. Then bring it inside to dry.
Funny Face
Children sit in a circle with a solemn expression. One child is "it" and suddenly bursts out laughing. He stops, wipes the smile off his face and tosses it to another, calling that person by name, who in turn bursts out laughing. Any player who laughs when he/she is not "it" drops out of the game. The play continues until only one person is left; he/she is the winner!
Marshmallow Olympics
Supplied with a marshmallow, each group of children will use a variety of objects to move a marshmallow through an obstacle course .
Need: One large marshmallow for each group ( the remainder of the bag may be used as prizes). Each group will also need 1 teaspoon, 1 straw, 1 toothpick, 1 kleenex tissue, a pencil, 12 inches of string, 1 piece of 6" x 6" paper, 1 ruler, and a can with the top off.The children assemble into different groups. One person from each group gets the groups supplies.
Now, given time to think, each member of the group is to choose one item that will help only them move the marshmallow.
Each time the marshmallow is moved, it must be moved by a different member. If there are not enough members, then some children may have two turns.
For each obstacle they are successful at they will receive two free marshmallows! If they drop the marshmallow, that movement is unsuccessful.
The marshmallow itself must never be touched by hand.
They will have 20 minutes.The movements for the marshmallow are these:
1. from the supply table to the groups work area.
2. into a can.
3. out of the can onto their work area.
4. over a 12 inch space.
5. from desktop to floor.
6. from floor to desktop.
7. delivered back to the supply table.Praise their imaginations and efforts.